Després de passar uns quants dies a Estrasburg de congrés, on els millors records seran dels vespres més que del congrés (com ha de ser, jeje), divendres vaig arribar a Basilea -i em va donar la benvinguda un xim-xim típicament holandès. El meu piset provisional està molt bé, i el (poc) que he vist del centre de la city és cuco. Ja us aniré explicant. De moment demà el primer dia de feina! Segons ma mare, la primera feina "de veritat" que tindré ;)
After spending a few days at the EMRS in Strasbourg, i finally got to Basel. My best memories of the conferences will, of course, be of the dinners and the beers in the evenings (the guys "torturing" me speaking dutch, laughing at the irish, a girl from Paris (well, that's probably Arjan's best memory, jejejeje), ordering kidneys, and many more). The hardest part, of course, was saying bye and taking a train knowing that i was leaving behind one of the best experiences of my life.
Basel welcomed me with a typical dutch rain (it couldn't be otherwise!). My provisional place is a very nice flat and the little i've seen from the city centre looks cute. I'll keep you up to date! And tomorrow my first day at work. Let's see how a "real" job looks like... ;)
Cuenta en que modelneces...
Veoque el congreso bien, veamos estos suizos...
Anònim, at 3:35 p. m.
si que es rara la teva mare (no?), dir aquestes coses. Fins ara era de "mentida"?.
ai ai ai
Dons que vagi molt bé la "de veritat"
Anònim, at 5:50 p. m.
Ep, ja ets a Basilea,,,canvi d'aires.
La foto davant l'estadi on el Barça va guanyar la recopa te l'has de fer, eh? obligat!
Ja no estas en una capseta,,,ja li dius "piset". Anem pujant de categoria!
Anònim, at 10:02 p. m.
Hi Marta,
Good to hear you arrived in Basel safely! I'm glad you liked it in Eindhoven, sad that you have left! I hope you'll feel at home soon in your house with "proper" walls..
All the best and don't forget to send me your address (I'm leaving to Finland soon and will have to send you a postcard of course..!)
Anònim, at 10:42 p. m.
Easy way de compartir fotos... o almenos la mas facil que se ocurrio.
Yeps, a ver que tal por aqui...
si vos ho dieu, si que ho deu ser de rara, si... ;)
@l'anonim cule
Jejejejeje, en algun moment caura, don't worry... a males per l'Euro2008, que per algo en fan una part aqui!
Welcome to my little box! Hope to see you around here from time to time.
I think i don't have to insist too much to convince you that i had i nice time in Eindhoven ;)
Well, i'm afraid i won't have too much time to feel at home at my new place, it's temporary. But i hope i can get a nice one where to feel at home once i'm a bit more settled.
Enjoy Finland!
Marta, at 11:52 a. m.
La foto és de la Swiss-Renfe? Segur que en el país dels rellotges deuen ser més puntuals!!! o no...
Molta bona sort en la teva nova destinació!!!
J.Marcos, at 5:22 p. m.
Hombre!!! Mira qui tenim per aquí! :)
La foto, indeed, és d'una de les dues estacions de la city. La de la foto es la Swiss & French Renfe, i a l'altre costat de la city hi ha la de la German Renfe. Quan les provi més ja veurem la puntualitat, jejejeje!
Ah, i gràcies!
Marta, at 6:50 p. m.
Hoi Marta!
I'm happy to hear that you found your way to Basel. Of course I want to hear many stories about your new job and colleagues. And .. .remember.. you have now an extra secret language!
Let me know your new address. I didn't know you're collecting post cards. After my defense, I'll be going to Patagonia!!! You'll need one of those, I guess. Furthermore... maybe a card of Machi Pichu?! (ow.. defense date is December 13th.. so in the case you're around.... you're welcome to join the party!).
take care!
Anònim, at 12:14 p. m.
Hoi Linda!
Good to hear from you too!
Wow, it would be great to have such postcards! :) My address will get to you by email one of these days.
Mmm, who knows, maybe i could make it for the party... parties are always a good idea ;)
Marta, at 2:25 p. m.
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