Avui he anat a Utrecht al Dutch Solar Cell Seminar. Aquesta gent té molta tendència a fer workshops i coses d'aquestes, i tenen uns nivells de col.laboració entre si dels quals s'hauria d'aprendre força per sota els pirineus. Molta xerrada de silici, tot i que de tant en tant s'agraeix, en especial la de silici en capa prima. Una mica el trobava a faltar ;) Tot i que el que més m'ha agradat ha sigut tornar a veure molta gent de la que vaig conèixer allà ja fa quatre anys i mig.
PS: M'han dit que parlant holandès tinc accent similar al de la Máxima... no sé si això és bo o dolent... :$
Today i went to Utrecht, to the Dutch Solar Cell Seminar. Research groups up here have a very nice tendency to get together quite often in this kind of events and to collaborate a lot among themselves. We should learn from it at home. Quite a lot about silicon, but that's not too bad from time to time, especially that about thin film silicon. I really enjoyed that one! ;) But what i enjoyed more was seeing again a good number of the people i met when i was there.
PS: I've been told that i have a similar accent to that of Maxima when i (try to) speak dutch... i'm not too sure if that's good or bad... :$
Foto: I kind of know this feeling... if you change the sun for a cloud ;)
És tard, el barça ha jugat força pse (i jo he pagat un euro i mig per veure-ho online com déu mana) i estic refredada... serveix com a excusa per un post curtet i poc entretingut??? Aviat un post més interessant!
It's late, barça didn't play too well (and i paid a euro and a half to see it properly online) and i've got a cold... is it a good excuse for a short and not so funny post?? Something more interesting soon!