Mortadelo & Ko
Al final he trobat una cosa que puc llegir en raro per practicar una mica i que és prou entretingut per ser motivador: còmics. Vaig començar amb el Tin-tin (Kuijfe per aquests verals... yep, i al pobre Milú li diuen Bobbie!!!) i Suske en Wiske, però al final m'he passat a allò que llegia quan era petita (i puc donar fe que n'he llegit molts!): Mortadelos y Sacarinos. Yep, yep, en raro!!
Els nostres "Mortadelo y Filemón" aquí dalt es diuen "Paling en Ko", amb l'agravant que el Paling és el jefe i el Mortadelo és el Ko (no si ja us ho dic jo que aquesta gent són raros... mira que canviar fins i tot això!!!). I el Sacarino es diu Tom Tiger (Tom Tiger + Co), però això no s'acaba aquí: el Dire es diu Harry Humburg i el Presi es Sir Winston... i a mi que el nom de Winston em sona més al "centollo malabar"! ;)
Si us fa gràcia saber com els diuen al parell d'agents secrets més nostres around the globe, mireu aquí.
Finally i've found something i enjoy reading in dutch (yep, really!): comics. But not any comics, a couple of them i used to read in spanish when i was a little girl (and not so little :p). They're called "Mortadelo y Filemón" and "El Botones Sacarino" in spanish. "Paling en Ko" and "Tom Tiger + Co" in dutch... Maybe one of the weirdest things i noticed is that dutch is the only language in which they reversed the order of the names of those two clumpsy secret agents... Mortadelo happens to be Ko and Filemón is called Paling.
Clever und Smart por aquí...aunque en esta zona exacta donde ahora me halló todavía no he visto ninguno de ellos...sera cosa del este y el oeste...
Anònim, at 8:51 a. m.
I like reding a lot of comics but I really don't know these ones. Maybe they are called differently in French, but even with the drawings I don't recognize them. I have to investigate .... (if they are in Spanish and Dutch, why not in French ? ;))
Anònim, at 1:19 p. m.
Just because in France you really have your own comics culture and industry...Perhaps it would be difficult to finde them in french, but having Gaston Legaffe who cares...
Anònim, at 3:39 p. m.
I want to know what it is in French just because I like to read comics ^^. It's just curiosity ;)
Anònim, at 1:01 p. m.
Well, Mortadel et Filemon, and also Futt et Fil...See the links...I don't know if they are very accesible right now...
Anònim, at 5:10 p. m.
Thank you very much for the links ^^ (I didn't have the time to search and you did it for me ...)
And I even don't know who you are "anonymous" but thank you ;)
Anònim, at 1:12 a. m.
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