Estiu! / Summer!
Us anava a explicar una altra cosa, però la novetat és la novetat: aquest cap de setmana ha arribat (per fi i a lo grande) l'estiu! Hem passat de cop, de vint graus i pluja a estar per sobre de trenta amb un sol espaterrant. La gran pregunta és "durarà?", però mentrestant la gent aprofita per refrescar-se al riu (o fins i tot banyar-s'hi!) o per prendre el sol als parcs com ho faria a la platja de Lloret!
Per cert, he aprofitat el bon temps per tirar unes quantes fotos pel barri de camí del parc. Una ombreta, música, un llibre... ;)
I had planned to tell you about something else, but news is news... and the news is that (finally!) summer has arrived to Basel. We changed a dutch-like (twenty degrees or less and rain) weather for a sunny weekend above thirty degrees. The big question is now whether it will last... Meanwhile people refresh at the river (and they even swim in it!!) or sunbath at the parks as if they were in Lloret! ;)
On my walk towards the park, i also took some photos of the neighbourhood. A big shadow, music, a book... not too bad, right? :)
vaya vidorra que es peguen els suïssos...
haikuvisual..., at 12:30 a. m.
Res res, que per molt que els agradi, el Rin no es el Mediterrani... ;)
Marta, at 8:18 a. m.
ya era hora que subierá el termómetro, narices
Anònim, at 9:04 a. m.
com ho faria a la platja de Lloret!
Borratxos, cridaners i desfasats?
Anònim, at 10:27 a. m.
ya era hora que subiera el termómetro, narices
Lo triste es no disfrutarlo al 100%, pq siempre te queda ese "...i quant durarà???"
Vaya acostumbrandose...
Marta, at 7:47 p. m.
Hey good morning!
Switzerland is the only place where I have seen people removing their swimming suits to wear their dry clothes in public, next to the river just in the middle of the city.
And if you think "Hm, maybe I would like to some people stripping in front of me", think again: Most of them were old, like over 70...
"Only the Dutch, only in Holland" or
"Only the Swiss, only in Switzerland"
Xexe ;)
Anònim, at 10:15 a. m.
Most of them were old, like over 70... I hope you didn't have nightmares after that!! ;)
"Only the Dutch, only in Holland" AND
"Only the Swiss, only in Switzerland"
I'm afraid so!! ;) xD
Marta, at 11:49 a. m.
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