Al principi de tot us vaig prometre ensenyar-vos com és la capseta... (i ara algú em titllarà de poc original per fer-ho precisament ara) ...doncs de fora tenen aquesta pinta. Us podeu imaginar la meva primera impressió ;)
At the very beginning i told you i would tell you about the "little box" that gives name to this blog. Well, that's how they look from the outside. You can guess what was my first impression ;)
La pinta que té per dins ja us l'havia ensenyada... 18 m2 tots sencers per a mi!
That's how it looks like from the inside. 18 whole m2 all for myself!
I, per acabar, el que l'altra vegada no us vaig ensenyar... una enorme cuina!
And, finally, what one can call a huge kitchen...
Ah, m'hi quedo un altre any... si he sobreviscut un any en una capseta de mistos n'hi puc sobreviure un altre... i això de viure al campus va de conya quan plou... cosa gens estranya per aquests verals ;)
Well, i'm staying in my tiny little matchbox one more year. If i survived one year here, i'm going to survive a second one! And it's quite convenient living in the campus when it rains (which is too often, one might say??? :p)